Meet Carrie
Welcome to Matka’s
Matka – /matkah/ or /matkə/: Mother or Mama; a woman parent.
In the Polish language, Matka simply means Mother. I chose this name with the understanding that in some way or another we are all yearning for the nurturing of our mother’s touch. That first bit of connection here on planet earth, that loving embrace, that safe space we knew as home.
Meet Carrie
Meet Carrie —
Hi, I’m Carrie.
I am a Reiki Master, Evidential Medium, and conscious channel. It is my mission to act as a bridge between the spirit world and the earthly realm, providing guidance and healing on your unique journey.
My hope is to be of assistance in demystifying the mystical by providing access to what is beyond the five physical senses. I am here to hold space for others to develop their intuitive gifts so that, together, we may shift the consciousness of this planet. My goal is to assist you in living a life that is in alignment with your deepest truth.
My Experience
As a child, growing up all over Canada, I always had an awareness of the spirit world and of a greater presence guiding my life. Without knowledge of what was happening, I frequently experienced astral travel and visitations from spirit.
I began exploring many aspects of spirituality after losing a loved one to suicide in 1996 which set me on a path of discovery and emotional healing. I spent most of my 20s traveling around the United States and found the Agape Spiritualist Centre where I was called to begin the Practitioner course. Through these teachings, I came to realize that we are all perfect beings and our core work is to reveal that perfection.
After moving to Shawnigan Lake in 2015, I have opened even further to the unfolding of my abilities as an evidential medium, and continue to pursue this work on my spiritual path.
I delved into Reiki in 2018 and became certified in all levels, completing my Reiki Master training in May of 2021. I have been exploring combining Reiki, and Mediumship to help facilitate healing in the lives of my clients.